A PSA about the dangers of vaping from our Youth Action Board (YAB)
Did you know that vapes contain metal particles like nickel, tin, and aluminum? How about that the "harmless water vapor" you're inhaling is actually aerosol (the same thing that dispenses hairspray, spray paint, and various other chemicals under pressure that shouldn't be in your lungs)?
The Real Cost details these and other shocking facts about vaping, and offers resources to help you or someone you know kick the habit.
The Alliance of Coalitions for Healthy Communities offers a toolkit for parents to handle approaching vaping with their kids, educate them on the risks to their health, and prevent them from starting in the first place.
A peer-reviewed study by doctors Brenda Douglass and Susan Solecki explores the history and definition of vaping, the alarming increase among teens, targeted advertising, and damaging health effects.
Know the Facts breaks down a ton of information about the dangers of vaping including how devices work, the chemicals present in e-liquid, and more. Plus, what you can do to take action in preventing the start of vape usage.
Vapes, vaporizers, vape pens, hookah pens, electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes or e-cigs), e-cigars, and e-pipes are some of the many tobacco product terms used to describe electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS). See what the FDA has to say about them in detail.
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